Support from community funders helps CASA Mental Health deliver holistic, evidence-informed and compassionate mental health care to kids and families in Alberta.
We’re grateful to the Edmonton Civic Employees Charitable Assistance Fund and the RBC Foundation for prioritizing mental health care in our communities.
Edmonton Civic Employees Charitable Assistance Fund
The Edmonton Civic Employees Charitable Assistance Fund provided generous funding to support upgraded technology and innovative virtual mental health services at CASA.
Through this funding, CASA continues to connect with patients virtually, provides services to families with transportation or mobility barriers and reaches more kids and families across the province.
Upgraded technology also allows for increased staff effectiveness and access to provincial, national and global networks and learning and sharing opportunities.
RBC Foundation
The RBC Foundation provided transformational funding to help CASA deliver care that wraps around the whole family.
This funding enables CASA to offer parents, caregivers and families access to the FamilySmart Parent Peer Support program, which provides mentorship, advice and help navigating the mental health care system.
FamilySmart is available to families at every stage of their journey with CASA — while they are waiting for services, while accessing services and following the transition out of services.